We are experiencing extremely dry weather conditions and river levels are continuing to drop. The rural water restrictions apply to all households not connected to the councils reticulated supply and who take water from rivers or wells.

Residents in rural areas are required to stop using water for non-essential purposes from all river and stream catchments and their tributaries.

If you are on an independent water supply – i.e. your water comes from a community water scheme, a stream, bore or spring, and you don’t get a water bill from the Council, then rural restrictions apply.

Water may only be used for essential purposes including firefighting, drinking, watering stock and domestic washing. Water may not be used for crop irrigation, garden watering, washing cars, houses, or driveways.

Council thanks everyone for their efforts so far and encourages people to conserve water and recycle water wherever possible. For more tips on water conservation visit our website.

Stage three water restrictions are in effect for urban areas - find out more here