Water saving tips - please conserve water
20/02/2019 11:58am
Nelson is currently under water restrictions, so we are asking everyone to save water now, so that we don't have to enforce harsher restrictions in the near future.
Average household water use
On average, each household connection uses 272 litres of water per day.
Here are some simple tips to save you money AND a little water, during the current water restrictions.

In the garden
- Hand watering is a very efficient way to use water
- Water the garden only on calm days, during the evening or early morning to minimise evaporation
- A wisely used timer or irrigation system can save water
- A dripper pipe system is an efficient watering method. Moveable sprinkler systems are the least efficient method
- Cover soil around plants with mulch, straw or grass clippings. This helps the soil retain moisture while discouraging weeds, which compete for water
- Save 'grey water' for garden use
- Don't hose down or 'water-blast' the yard or paths
- Don't be a drip
A hose left running can waste up to 40 litres per minute - that's 2,400 litres an hour
A dripping tap can waste over 1,000 litres per day
In the house
- Install water saving shower heads (less than 10 litres per minute) or flow restrictors
- Keep bath levels to a minimum
- Wait until you have a full load before using your dishwasher
- Wait until you have a full load before using your washing machine or use the half load switch. You'll save as much as 125 litres per full wash.
- When buying a new washing machine, consider a front loading type. They use less water, power and soap powder. You'll save around 50 litres per wash.
- Insulate the hot water pipes, starting from the hot water tank and moving towards the taps
- Don't use the loo as a waste bin
- Turn off the tap once you have collected enough for the task, either in a bowl or in a sink with the plug fitted.
Flush facts
It's easy to reduce the amount of water used to flush the toilet:
- Put a brick or a two-litre bottle of water in the toilet cistern
- Install a flush saving device
- Install a dual flush cistern when buying a new toilet or cistern. A dual system uses between three and six litres per flush
In the yard
- Cover your swimming pool - you'll stop the water evaporating
- Use a bucket and brush when you wash the car and the house windows.
For further details on conserving water go to the Nelson City Council website.