Best Little Woodshed 2019

15/01/2019 12:49pm

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Council is running the Best Little Woodshed competition again, with prizes including firewood and chimney clean/checks. Previous competitions have seen some wonderful, creative and very practical solutions to storing your wood, so we hope to see more of the same this year.

How to Enter:

Check out Council’s Burn Bright tips on how to buy and store your firewood.

Get your wood in, stack it loosely and make sure that:

  • The wood is off the ground to avoid moisture seeping up from below
  • Air flow can reach the sides of the pile
  • The top of the pile is covered with a well-secured wind and rain-proof cover.

If you need to build a shed, remember you can don’t need a Building Consent as long as it is:

  • Less than 10m2 in floor area
  • No more than one storey high, with a max. floor height from the ground of 1m, and max. roof height 3.5m above floor level
  • Not positioned closer than the shed’s own height to a boundary or residential building.

Take a photo of your woodshed, wood stack or ingenious wood storing solution, and upload it with your entry here.

Entries are open from 23 January to 28 February 2019.
The 10 best woodsheds may be visited for final judging.

The Judges’ Choice:
The best three woodsheds will each receive a voucher for one cord of firewood from a Good Wood Supplier

People’s Choice: Photo entries will be loaded on to Council’s facebook page. The image with the most number of ‘likes’ will win its owner a free chimney clean and woodburner check.

For more hints and tips on getting your firewood ready for winter, visit



The competition is open to residents and ratepayers of Nelson City area only. Nelson City Councillors and Council staff are not eligible to enter.
The wood shed/storage idea must be situated within the Nelson City Council boundaries, and must be the property of the person entering the competition.
Judges will shortlist the finalists and may want to visit the shortlisted properties.
Judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
Entries must include a minimum of one photograph. Entries close 5pm 28 February 2019
Results will be announced in Our Nelson, issue 66, 20 March 2019