It’s Plastic-free July and we’ve got some great hints and tips for going plastic free:

From 1 July 2019, the Government has banned single use plastic bags. This is just a ‘drop in the ocean’ towards dealing with the plastic problem, but it is a start and we all need to build on this initiative. 

The average New Zealander uses on average 31 kilos of plastic packaging every year. Collectively we throw away 309 million single-use coffee cups, 541 million straws and 105 million single-use bottles per year. 

Plastic Free July is your chance to say no to single use plastics and once you’ve got in the swing, you’ll probably never go back. It just takes a little pre-planning to get into the habit of taking a reusable shopping bag, coffee cup or water bottle with you.

There’s some other great ideas to go a little bit further. Make or buy your own produce bags to use for fresh fruit and vegetables at the supermarket. Re-usable lunchboxes and beeswax wraps can make lunchtime plastic free. Say no to the plastic straw, and look for unpackaged groceries where you can.

There are some great ideas and resources on the plastic free July website – like how to make your own cleaning products, how to make a beeswax wrap or produce bag and many more – just go to and go plastic free now!