Nelson’s City For All Ages Strategy is poised to take the next step as the establishment of an implementation group to oversee its actions is approved.

The City For All Ages/He Rautaki Whakatupuranga Strategy, created by a community steering group with the support of Nelson City Council, is a guide for Council and the community in considering and responding to the opportunities and challenges presented by Nelson’s ageing demographic.

The strategy went out for public submissions in October and was presented at Council’s Community and Recreation Committee on Thursday, 2 December. By 2040, one-third of Nelson’s population is expected to be over 65 years old.

The strategy contains a range of actions and activities that, with the help of Council’s partner organisations, will make our city a better place to live for everyone, not just our older residents.

Following public feedback, further actions have now been added to the strategy, including trialling an Age Concern office in central Nelson, in addition to its current Richmond office, and exploring offering training sessions on the outdoor gym equipment in Tāhunanui and the Railway Reserve.
A range of other comments and suggestions for new projects require further investigation.
The Committee on Thursday endorsed the Community Steering Group’s proposed transition into Nelson’s Age-friendly Implementation Group, which will monitor, support and report back on the implementation of the actions contained in the strategy.

Community Steering Group Chair Paul Steere says the strategy aims for Whakatū Nelson to be a place where people can live well, contribute to, and connect with, their community as they age.
“By no means do we see the Strategy as finished.  There is much work still to be done to realise Nelson’s potential as an age-friendly city and more partner organisations to engage with. But, we believe the strategy and the initiatives it contains will help ensure Nelson is a great place to live for people of all ages, and I look forward to continuing this work.”

Council will now make an application to join the World Health Organisation’s Age-friendly Network, which will provide access to further resources and information to support the ongoing development of the strategy.