Climate Action: The Nelson Tasman Climate Forum – a model for a better future

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This Climate Action column was supplied by Nelson Tasman Climate Forum as part of an ongoing series on climate change.

The Nelson Tasman Climate Forum – a model for a better future 

We are living in extraordinary times. Since the industrial revolution there has been a 55-fold increase in total consumption of non-renewable fuels, a mass displacement of natural habitats, and an unprecedented rise in greenhouse gas emissions. 50% of all the fossil fuel ever produced has been consumed within the last 30 years.

We accept our current model of economic growth as the norm, but can it be adapted for a better future? What sort of alternatives are on offer?

The Nelson Tasman Climate Forum is carving up the mahi and taking a strategic approach to the problem of climate change. Fifteen specialised focus groups work within their various fields to lessen the impact of climate change, to influence others to take action and to give a home to those that are able to donate their time and energy to help us to influence positive change.

If your area of interest is carbon sequestration, the Forum has a group you can join that runs workshops on biochar and organises regular tree planting days.

Perhaps you are interested in inspiring young minds; our schools group created new awards for last year’s Cawthron Sci-tech Expo and ran the successful How Dare You Arts Expo where local children submitted art works relating to the climate crisis.

A group focused on waste runs regular repair cafes alongside Nelson City Council, ensuring the best use of resources, volunteers and funding.

Submissions to both local and central government are an important focus, as is the sharing of knowledge – the Forum frequently hosts guest speakers and is looking forward to welcoming New Zealand ecologist Mike Joy in March 2022. We would love you to connect with us and you can learn more by visiting

- Nelson Tasman Climate Forum