Count kererū and help us to fill in the gaps!

17/09/2018 2:42pm

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Have you seen kererū in Nelson?

The map below shows recorded sightings of kererū in the Nelson region. We want to fill in the gaps, to see where kererū are (and are not) in Nelson, and how their numbers are changing every year.

The best time to do this is during the Great kererū Count, from 21 – 30 September, when people throughout the country record their kereru- observations and help build a picture of how these amazing birds are doing.

How can you help?

Sometime between 21-30 September spend between five and 30 minutes looking for kererū at any spot in Nelson, and note any kererū you see (including if you see no kererū as we need that information as well). Then go to to get your observations to us. The orange dots on the map show where kererū have been observed previously in Nelson. You can do as many observations as you want through the week, in one spot or at different sites. You can record any casual sightings of these birds when you are out and about in the same way.