Household Water Survey Winners

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Thanks to everyone who responded to our household water use survey, we got some great information about how people use their water supply, and what people are doing to save water and reduce the pressure on our streams over summer.

Everyone who took part in the survey went in the draw to win a Marley Twist rainwater diverter or an outdoor tap timer. 

The winners were Geoffrey Harwood, Eric and Bev Humphreys, Alison Rowe and Mat Thornton.

One of the best things you can do this summer to help look after our rivers and streams is to harvest rainwater and store it for household use. 

To find out more check out our rainwater harvesting brochure which you can download from

You’ll also find lots of other handy hints on how you can reduce water use in and around your home.

Water Saving Tip

Cover soil around garden plants with mulch, straw, newspaper, cardboard or grass clippings. 

This helps the soil retain moisture while discouraging weeds, which compete for water. 

You’ll get bigger plants and more productive fruit trees just by following this simple tip. 

If you use newspaper, weight it down with small stones or loose bark to stop it blowing away.