Land and Environment Planning for Lifestylers
18/04/2019 3:59amRegister now for an informative hands-on workshop on how to prepare an environment plan for your property.
What: Land Environment Planning Workshop
Where: Atawhai Community Church Hall
When: Monday 29 April 29 5.30 pm to 9.00 pm
If you are a landowner in the Nelson region, this is your opportunity to;
- learn how your land affects the environment
- find out how you can help current environmental issues
- prepare a map and environment plan for your farm with inputs from experts
- find out what you are doing well and what you can improve on;
- work on your plan alongside other local like-minded landowners
- share your experiences
- access useful resources
- complete a planting plan to reduce erosion
- apply for trees from the Nelson City Council Hill Country Erosion fund.
Places are limited on this third and final workshop of the series - the previodsu workshops have been fully subscribed and there are limited places left on this one.
If you would like to register, contact either 027 724 4445 or 03 545 8742 (n.b. a working dinner is provided).