Matariki Festival: Te Huihui-o-Matariki returns in 2021
19/05/2021 11:02am
Nelson City Council is hosting Te Huihui-o-Matariki again in 2021.
A variety of stalls will be available offering a diverse range of food and refreshments, as well as Māori arts and crafts.
This year’s event will feature entertainment from local kapa haka groups Tamariki Toa (Nelson Central School), Te Pītau Whakarei (Nelson Intermediate), Te Rōpū Whakamanamana (Victory Primary School), Te Kapa Haka o Kura Tai Waka and a performance by singer and songwriter Sianne Dougherty (Ngāi Tahu, Ngāti Tūwharetoa).
The Wellington-based ‘Korokoro Tui’ (Songbird) sings a selection of old and new school hits with a twist in te reo Māori and English. Her sound has been best described as a fusion of RnB & Soul. Her debut single 'Azaelea' was released in 2017 reaching number 14 on the Hot NZ Singles charts.
Sianne will be performing live with Grove Roots before the evening concludes with a fireworks display at 7pm.
The fireworks can be viewed from Guppy Park, North Road, Kinzett Terrace Carpark, Peace Grove, Akersten Street and the surrounding area. Please ensure that you take care on the roads and when parking your vehicle.
Location: Founders Heritage Park, Nelson
Date: Saturday, 3 July 2021
Time: 4pm – 8pm
Gold coin entry
Stallholders invited for Matariki 2021
Nelson City Council is hosting Te Huihui o Matariki, a winter festival on Saturday 3 July, 2021 from 4pm – 8pm. The event will feature entertainment from local kapa haka groups, and a performance by rising star Sianne Dougherty and Grove Roots.The evening will conclude with a spectacular fireworks display at 7pm.We are inviting stall holders offering a culturally diverse range of food and refreshments and/or Māori arts and crafts to secure a spot at this years Matariki Festival.
Applications close on Friday 18 June 2021.
For more information check out our website