Save the Rain for summer

21/10/2019 3:01am

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Council has assisted with the installation of a rainwater tank to collect rainwater from the Atawhai Playcentre roof. The water collected will include use for watering the community gardens. 15,000 L tank could potentially collect around 75,000 L per year being particularly useful over the drier summer months. 

Do you collect the free rainwater that lands on your roof? Now is a great time to get a system in place in time for summer.
The latest forecasts from NIWA show a 35% chance of a drier than normal summer. Our river flow testing shows that our catchments are below average rainfall levels for this time of year:

  • Hira – 12% below average for this time of year
  • Founders – 19 % below average for this time of year
  • Orphanage – 6% below  average for this time of year
  • Maitai Dam – 17% below average for this time of year
Collecting rainwater is a great way of making sure you have enough water to keep areas such as your garden growing through summer, especially if we have a dry summer and water restrictions come into play.

For more info, go to for a how to video and a downloadable brochure on rainwater harvesting.