Second Hand Sunday a downsizer’s delight for Tony Pearson

08/09/2020 3:45am
Photo caption: Tony Pearson, who recently took part in Second Hand Sunday.
Photo caption: Tony Pearson, who recently took part in Second Hand Sunday.

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For Tony Pearson, who took part in Second Hand Sunday in July, which is a collaboration between Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council, this event is an easy way to declutter the house now that his family has left the nest.

Our Nelson caught up with Tony, to find out if he had any tips for those interested in participating in the quarterly event.

Tony not only put things out for the most recent Second Hand Sunday, but also completed our post event
survey, and was the winner of the $30 book voucher for taking part.

Our Nelson: Thanks for making time to catch up with us Tony – tell us why you took part in Second Hand Sunday?

Tony: This is actually our second time. We are downsizing now that the family has grown up, and this is a really convenient way to dispose of things, particularly when you’re time poor and not sure it’s worth selling them.  Also it makes us feel good that someone else is getting use out of items we don’t need.

Our Nelson: So do you find it easy to participate? We’re always interested to hear if it works for everyone.

Tony: Absolutely – the registration process is easy, and it feels organised, which is reassuring.

Our Nelson: What were the most popular items?

Tony: Most stuff went; the kids’ toys and household fittings like lampshades were very popular.  The first time we took part we had a box of leftover household light fittings, and they went straightaway too.

Our Nelson: It sounds like it worked really well for you Tony – have you got any tips for people thinking about taking part in Second Hand Sunday in the future?

Tony: My advice would be, make a small space somewhere to keep things for the next event – that way if you have something you don’t have a use for, you won’t be tempted to just throw it away.

Further details

The next Second Hand Sunday is on Sunday 18 October from 10am. Register on the Nelson City Council website.
It is open to Nelson and Tasman residents and is free to take part – it’s a great way to pass on unwanted items to others who may find them useful. A list of participant addresses will be available on our website and from our Customer Service Centre from midday on Friday 16 October.

If you are thinking of participating in Second Hand Sunday, please keep an eye on Nelson City Council’s Facebook page for updates in case the details of this event change due to COVID-19.