eBus numbers soar, Stoke OnDemand service to end

10/04/2024 1:46am

The eBus service has made a great start to 2024 with a record-breaking month in March...

Thirteen new shelters to improve the user experience

26/01/2024 2:23am

Nelson City Council has confirmed the location of 13 new bus shelters.

The locations were...

One Month of eBus

13/09/2023 9:09am

There were 68,000 journeys on Nelson Tasman’s new eBus service during it’s first month of operation,...

Weekends, websites and Wakefield. One week of eBus data

11/08/2023 2:03am

Build it and they will come, or as Tasman Mayor Tim King said during his speech...

buspic Media Release

Haere rā NBus, Nau mai, haere mai eBus

02/08/2023 4:30am

Three additional routes, 100 new bus stops, 17 electric buses and almost 22,000 more people within...

Stoke On Demand Media Release

eBus OnDemand – Stoke: download the app now

27/07/2023 10:28am

The app for Stoke’s new OnDemand bus service is now available on the Apple and Google...

eBus battery is cobalt-free and low fire risk

21/07/2023 12:25pm

Nelson Tasman’s new electric buses come equipped with a different sort of battery to what you...

eBus FAQs

21/07/2023 12:22pm

Our 5 most frequently asked questions

Boarding now for Nelson Airport

20/07/2023 11:37am

Nelson Airport is ready to receive its first eBus passengers now that changes to the airport...

Ryan in front of eBus 12 July 2023 2 Media Release

The feels on the bus

20/07/2023 10:08am

There’s few people better informed about Nelson’s new eBus service than local enthusiast Ryan Turner-Maxwell.

eBus brand new June 2023 02 Media Release

Bus batteries – next stop sustainability

23/06/2023 3:49pm

If you were to open the engine bay of one of Nelson Tasman’s new electric buses...

346663120 1320707595186572 8049233574615210522 Media Release

Stoke bus interchange decision made at Hearings Panel

16/06/2023 4:40pm

The location of the new bus interchange in Stoke will be outside the Turf Hotel on...