A new ‘Pedestrian Mall’ for Upper Trafalgar Street
27/08/2019 2:14am
At its meeting earlier today [27 August 2019], Council declared Upper Trafalgar Street a Pedestrian Mall.
This means the permanent prohibition of motor vehicles, with some exceptions, in the section of Trafalgar Street between Hardy Street and Selwyn Place.
This follows two successful ‘summer trials’ of the area and a Special Consultative Procedure where the majority of the public supported Upper Trafalgar Street becoming a pedestrian mall.
Over 200 submissions were received during the consultation process, with 87 percent supportive of some form of pedestrian-only access and 65 percent in favour of permanent pedestrian-only access all year. Eight percent of submitters opposed any type of closure.
“With such widespread community support, it makes sense to provide some certainty about the future of Upper Trafalgar Street. Developing this area for pedestrians only supports our vision for a more exciting and attractive City Centre all year round,” says Mayor Rachel Reese.
“Having areas within the city for people to congregate is important for the fabric of our community, says Mayor Reese. “It brings people into the heart of the City and promotes high-quality development and investment in our Smart Little City and the wider region.”
A number of submitters raised concerns about the extent of public space occupied by outdoor dining for private business and the need to ensure the area is accessible for the mobility impaired. Council will be mindful of these requirements in the design of the pedestrian mall to ensure the area includes a community space that can be shared by all and that a new mobility park is located close by.
The new Pedestrian Mall is expected to be in place from 18 October, if no appeals to Council’s decision are lodged.
There will be exceptions to the prohibition of vehicles in Upper Trafalgar Street with emergency vehicles retaining access at all times and service vehicles between 6 am – 8 am. There is also provision for those undertaking maintenance of buildings or public assets requiring heavy or large loads to apply for an exemption.
The next steps will involve the design of a new pedestrian mall layout; negotiation of outdoor dining leases with business owners interested in expanding their outdoor area (where the design allows for it); and consideration of replacement mobility parking spaces and a potential loading zone.