Community housing proposal adopted for the public to have their say
28/03/2019 11:39am
At the meeting on Wednesday, Council approved a Consultation Document that will seek the community’s views on a proposal to divest some or all of its community housing portfolio to an experienced provider.
In agreeing to consult, Council emphasised that the welfare of existing tenants was a priority and that councillors were keen to hear their views.
The aim of the proposal Council is consulting on is to bring the existing community housing units up to modern quality standards and to grow the portfolio.
With rising house prices putting increasing pressure on the community and an unprecedented demand for subsidised housing, Council is looking for practical ways it can make a difference.
Mayor Rachel Reese says, “Demand for subsidised housing to support people on low incomes or with particular needs is continuing to outstrip supply.
"Waitlists for Council’s community housing have hit all-time highs this year and it’s the same story for other providers. This proposal would allow us to grow the supply so more of our community can access this service.”
Council has been looking at how it can make a difference and one way is to leverage our existing community housing stock.
It believes the best option is to work with organisations that bring specialist housing expertise and have opportunities to access government and other funding sources not available to Council.
Their investment in Nelson’s community housing is urgently needed as 50 per cent of Council’s stock will require renewal within 25 years at an estimated cost of about $20 million.
This is an opportunity to work with partners and see a more sustainable future for our community housing.
The consultation opens on 29 March and will run until 2 May.
Details of the proposal can be found on pages 28 to 37 of the Annual Plan Consultation Document which will be available on on Friday.