Nelson City Council is sharing new information on slope instability with the community.

About 7000 property owners in Nelson will receive a letter alerting them to a Land Information Memorandum (LIMs) notifications going on their property file in regards to potential slope instability. Maps and further information will be available at

This information is in addition to approximately 500 properties identified in the Nelson Resource Management Plan (NRMP) existing slope instability hazards overlays.

Council commissioned the latest assessments of areas affected by slope instability to better identify the natural hazards in our region and manage the risk to people and property.  Council is obliged under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act to issue LIMs for information it holds and where that information is not yet contained within the NRMP.

Council will be developing provisions for natural hazards through the draft Whakamahere Whakatū Nelson Plan Process. Once the provisions are drafted and incorporated in the Nelson Plan, they will be consulted on before they take effect.  The Nelson Plan will inform how activities such as subdivision, infrastructure, stormwater management and earthworks are managed in these areas. 

The maps and report can be viewed at Council is also holding two public sessions to give people an opportunity to ask questions about what the latest slope instability information means for them. 
Clare Barton, Group Manager Environmental Management, says that people should engage with the council if they receive a letter.

“Nelson’s geology means we have many homes and properties already built on slopes around the city. This information gives us a better idea of where instability could occur.  We will be developing provisions for slope instability through the draft Whakamahere Whakatū Nelson Plan Process. If anyone has questions they should come along to an information session or make an appointment to talk to one of our planning staff so we can help them understand the information.”

Previous work carried out in the early 1990s identified specific areas with the potential for slope instability. These areas were incorporated in the Nelson Resource Management Plan (NRMP) maps as the Grampians Slope Risk Overlay, the Tahunanui Core Slope Risk Overlay and the Tahunanui Fringe Slope Risk Overlay. The new information adds to these existing overlays.

Public information sessions:
Wednesday 19 May, from 7 pm, Trafalgar Park Pavilion - 30 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
Thursday 20 May, from 7 pm, St Stephens Community Church, 61 Tahunanui Drive, Tahunanui, Nelson