Nelson City Council is putting its best foot forward to secure government funding to increase housing supply in our region by taking the lead in submitting four private developers' expressions of interest (EOI) to the Kāinga Ora administered Infrastructure Acceleration Fund (IAF).

The IAF is designed to allocate funding to new or upgraded infrastructure that unlocks housing development in the short to medium term and enables a meaningful contribution to housing outcomes in areas of need.

The EOI includes development proposals in Horoirangi, Maitai Valley, Marsden and Ngawhatu Valleys, and Bishopdale.

Mayor Reese said Council's vote of approval to include all four developments in its application shows Nelson City Council is taking the issue of housing for the region seriously.

"Housing is an absolute top priority for this Council and for this community."

"It’s important that we present the government with a clear opportunity to invest in our region to address what is arguably the single biggest economic and social issue our region is facing.”

If the EOIs are successful, funding will enable developers to provide a greater variety of affordable housing options for buyers. However, applications to the Kāinga Ora-administered fund does not fetter any future Council decision making in relation to the proposals, including in its regulatory capacity.

Submissions of EOIs for the Infrastructure Acceleration Fund close on 18 August. 

Successful applicants at the EOI stage will progress to the second stage and receive a Request for Proposals (RFP), asking that they provide more detailed information. 

If the proposals are successful, they will move to the negotiation stage before the Minister's final funding decisions, expected in 2022.  


The four proposals


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The Horoirangi proposal, led by Wakatū Incorporation, would provide an initial 200-250 homes with room for future development.

The development would be built on flat land extending from SH6 to the Boulder Bank near Nelson city and provide a range of housing options for people at all stages of life.


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The Maitai Valley proposal, a partnership with Ngāti Koata and private developers, proposes to provide 350 homes, of which about 100 would be affordable.

This proposal is pending the outcome of a Private Plan Change that would rezone the area from rural to residential, which has yet to be decided.

Marsden Valley and Ngawhatu Valley

IAF media release image Solitaire

The Stoke development would see the construction of about 2,250 dwellings in Marsden Valley and Ngawhatu Valley and is the largest zoned area that can satisfy immediate and future demand.


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The Bishopdale development would provide over 100 homes, 60 per cent of which would be affordable and developed through a community housing provider.

The development site is five kilometres from central Nelson, with easy access to bus routes along Waimea Road and cycle paths through the Railway Reserve. 

Mayor Reese stressed the importance of Council collaborating with developers to address Nelson's shortage of affordable homes.

"There is no quick fix here; supply and intensification alone aren't going to be the only answers. What we also need is affordability."