Harvesting to start in Codgers recreation area
30/09/2019 2:25am
Access for walkers and mountain bikers to the Codgers recreation area will be restricted from 7 October to 20 December 2019 while commercial pine forest harvesting activities are carried out.
Harvesting activities in the Tantragee and Atmore Reserves, which include the Codgers recreation area, will be managed in two phases. The operation will remove the majority of the remaining commercial pine trees from the reserves, and native trees will be planted in their place.
“Whilst there will be unavoidable disruption to reserve access over the harvest period, including to the walking and mountain bike trails, Council and its contractor PF Olsen have worked with key stakeholders to ensure this is minimised” says Alec Louverdis, Group Manager for Infrastructure. “Where possible trail access will be made available at weekends, with the majority of work being undertaken Monday-Friday.”
Trees harvested during the operation will be taken to the Port via Maitai Valley Road, Nile Street, Collingwood Street, Halifax Street and Haven Road. The logging trucks will avoid driving past Central School during school start/finish times.
Damage to existing trails and tracks in the Reserves is expected to be confined to a small area, and any that does occur will be assessed once the harvested trees have been removed.
Phase 1 of the operation will take place between 7 October -15 November 2019 and will require all of the trails on Council land above Middle Road towards the Fireball skid site to be closed during the week. These trails will be open at weekends. All trails on Ngāti Koata owned/Tasman Pine Forests (TPF) managed land will be closed 24/7 during this phase.
Phase 2 of the operation will take place between 29 October - 20 December 2019 and will require the closure of all trails in the Atmore and Tantragee Reserves Monday-Friday. All trails except P51, Viral Flow and Whanake will be open at weekends. The trails on Ngāti Koata/TPF managed land will re-open during this phase of activity.
Council has created a dedicated web page where the trail closures during each phase and corresponding maps can be viewed - www.nelson.govt.nz/codgers