Have your say on how Saxton Field is managed
04/10/2019 4:31am
Saxton Field is your public space, and as part of our planning for the future we are reviewing how the facility is managed. The way we manage Saxton Field was last reviewed in 2008 so it’s time we took another look to make sure our management plan is still fit for purpose. This is your chance to have your say .
We have prepared a short questionnaire where you can let us know your preferences for the future development and management of the facility, give us an idea of how well we are delivering services and register for further consultation as the plan is drafted.
Click here to fill out the questionnaire
Our review of the Saxton Field Reserves Management Plan will follow these steps:
• October-December 2019: Gather public feedback to inform a first draft
• May-June 2020: Draft reserve management plan open for public submissions
• July/August 2020: Hearings and deliberations on the draft plan
• October 2020: Final plan adopted by Joint Committee of Nelson City and Tasman District Councils.