More reserves reopen in Nelson
13/03/2019 2:03am
The recent rain has helped to ease the fire risk and allowed Nelson City Council to reopen all urban reserves.
Council teams are now working through the process of doing safety inspections of the main tracks and trails in the catchment and forestry reserves. This includes the Roding, Maitai, Marsden Valley, Brook and Atmore Reserves.
Once these inspections have been completed and subject to final approval from Fire and Emergency New Zealand, these reserves are likely to be open for the weekend.
Sport and Recreation Committee Chair Tim Skinner says “This rain has brought welcome relief in terms of reducing fire danger. It has been a very long wait for us to get back into these wonderful spaces that we all enjoy so much as community. I thank everyone for their patience and understanding of the situation.
“I do ask that you take extra care though as many of these reserves have not been visited for over a month and some of the minor trails may have obstructions. Please take it easy as you go back into these areas and if you find any obstructions, please let Council know so we can deal with them.”
If for any reason, some areas need to remain closed, the closure signage will stay in place. Please take note of this because if an area is staying closed, it will be for valid safety reasons.
Road closure removed
The closures on the Maitai Valley Road have now been lifted and normal access is available once more.
Fire and Emergency note that although the situation has eased, the amount of rainfall has been variable and if we get several weeks of dry warm weather the risk of a significant fire will again be very real.
Please stay vigilant at all times and if you see smoke or any sign of fire please call 111 immediately.