Navigational Safety Bylaw Amendments consultation
29/05/2019 2:50am
At its meeting on 28 May 2019, Nelson City Council’s Planning and Regulatory Committee recommended the public consultation for proposed amendments to the Navigational Safety bylaw commence.
The proposed amendments have a safety focus, based on local safety checks and evidence gathered throughout the country on the causes of marine accidents.
Under the amended bylaw:
- All people on board a vessel six metres or less in length will be required to wear an appropriately sized lifejacket (some exemptions apply). Two-thirds of those who die in recreational boating accidents each year could have been saved had they been wearing a lifejacket.
- Registration of recreational vessels with the owner’s name and contact details will be required. Registration will be free. Non-powered vessels less than six metres in length and powered vessels less than four metres in length will not need to be registered but must have the owner’s name and contact details marked on the vessel.
- People wanting to place a marker buoy will need to obtain the permission of the Harbourmaster and clearly label the buoy, to prevent the buoy from becoming a hazard to navigation.
- A person will need to be identified as the person in charge of a vessel. Nationwide evidence has shown boats involved in accidents have been under-equipped with the person in charge lacking basic knowledge of key boating safety rules.
- Two forms of communication will need to be carried on vessels (with an exemption for non-powered vessels less than six metres in length). This is to enable assistance to reach the vessel when needed.
- Vessels must not be overloaded or unstable to prevent it being overturned or swamped.
- When a vessel is towing a person at any speed, a lookout will need to be provided, to ensure the operator of the vessel is aware of any mishap occurring to that person being towed as soon as possible.
Submissions will be open from 21 June to 24 July 2019.
Copies of the consultation document will be available on Council’s website or at the Customer Service Centre and Libraries.
Submissions can be made:Online at
By post to Community Housing, PO Box 645, Nelson 7010
By dropping off to Civic House, 110 Trafalgar Street, Nelson
Submissions must be received no later than 4pm Wednesday 24 July 2019.