Ripiripia, Haehaea!
Ripiripia, Haehaea, Tuakina!

Kurahaupō E! Kurahaupō E!
Heke iho ra ngā hupe, ngā roimata 
i tō wehenga ki te pō
Nāu te puna mātauranga e ārahi i a mātou te Kaunihera, 
otirā ngā iwi o Te Tauihu
Hoki wairua mai rā ngā parekura 
I runga i ō koutou waka o aituā 
Hoki atu ra ki tō ūkaipō
Ko Rongomaiwahine
Piki ake, Kake ake
Ki Te Mahia e
Te poho o ōu tūpuna
Ka mihia, ka tangihia
Kua ea! Kua ea! 

It is with deep sadness that we mourn the loss of a great leader Kereopa Ratapu of Ngāti Kuia, Rongomaiwahine, Te Ātiawa. Kereopa was appointed by Te Tauihu iwi as Kaumātua for Nelson City Council in 2019, and provided cultural guidance and service to Council and our community for many years before this.  

Nelson Mayor Rachel Reese: “Matua, you have amazed me with your resilience and calm presence. There is a grace and serenity about you that provides strength to others, and I thank you sincerely for the support you have given me personally and to all at council, and throughout the community.
"We are grateful for your leadership and guidance. I wish I could be standing beside you, but while we are not with you physically, we are with you in spirit and we wish you safe travels home to Te Mahia.”  

Kaumātua are taonga. We will treasure you forever.
Ue ‘Ā! Ue ‘Ā!