Nelson City Council partially opens reserves on a temporary basis after rainfall
19/02/2020 5:25am
Following good rainfall on Tuesday 18 February, Nelson City Council has decided to partially reopen reserves on a temporary basis. This decision was reached in a Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) led forum with regional stakeholders this afternoon.
Reopening the reserves is with immediate effect. Council officers have carried out procedural safety inspections.
Yesterday’s rainfall reduced the Build Up Index to 71 from 120. Unless we receive further significant rainfall, the BUI will continue to rise and reserves may need to be closed again.
Group Manager Community Services Roger Ball says it is important to remember that reserves are being reopened on a temporary basis.
“It’s great news for Nelsonians who want to get out onto the hills, but we must be mindful that conditions can change rapidly. If we don’t get more rainfall and the fire risk increases once more, I hope people will understand that we have to prioritise personal safety.”
The reserves that are being temporarily reopened are:
- Codgers Trails
- Titoki Reserve
- Atmore Reserve
- Bolwell Reserve
- Pipers Reserve
- Days Track
- Hanby Park
- Marsden Valley Reserve
The Coppermine Trail and the Maungatapu Track are also being reopened. Some sections of both tracks are on reserves that are still closed, so people are strongly advised to stick to the path and not venture further into the reserve.
Despite the BUI lowering, until the rain has had a chance to take effect on long dry grasses, there is still a significant fire risk present in some of our high risk reserves.
Therefore, the following reserves will remain closed:
- Eureka Park
- Brook Conservation Reserve
- Maitai Water Reserve
- Venner Reserve
- Roding Water Reserve
- Grampians Reserve
- Sir Stanley Whitehead Park
Tasman Pine Forests advise Fringed Hill remains closed to the public at this time.
The upper Maitai Valley Road closure has been lifted, but the Trantragee Road remains closed at this time.
Reserve users are reminded there is still a total fire ban in the Nelson/Tasman region, and this includes the use of fireworks.