Nelson City Council to close all of its indoor community facilities
22/03/2020 1:46am
Nelson’s three public libraries will not be open today (Sunday 22 March) and will be closed until further notice.
All of Nelson’s other community facilities – this includes swimming pools, community centres and venues will be closed from tomorrow until further notice. This means no public access to these buildings.
At this stage the Customer Service Centre at Civic House in Trafalgar Street will remain open but with strict controls limiting the number of customers at a time (five only) to maintain physical distancing and with the advice being to call the Centre in the first instance to see if it is necessary to come in. The vast majority of queries can be dealt with over the phone or online. Anybody that does need to come to the Customer Service Centre in person will be asked to provide their name and contact details.
Parking enforcement in Nelson’s CBD will also be relaxed to support social distancing and to provide flexibility for the public and city workers.
Mayor Rachel Reese, says Council is closing the facilities to support the Government’s efforts to fight COVID-19.
“There are now confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Nelson region and although there is no sign of community transmission here at this time, we have made this decision in order to support all efforts to limit the spread of the virus within our community.”
On Saturday, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern told the nation that we are now at the second stage of a new Coronavirus alert system. Government advice is for all people over 70 years of age, people who have compromised immunity or people who have underlying respiratory conditions to stay at home as much as possible. People are also being asked to avoid all but essential domestic travel, to work from home where possible and practise physical distancing.
“This was not an easy decision to make given the value our facilities provide to our residents,” says Reese. “But it is the right time. With the number of cases in New Zealand increasing daily closing our facilities now is a sensible precaution during this fast-changing situation.”
Nelson Mayor Rachel Reese says she knows this news will be disappointing for many in the community that use these facilities on a daily basis but she is urging Nelsonians to pull together at this difficult time.
“Remember, right now being careful is being kind, but keep connected in your community and keep talking to each other. Also please keep up to date with information from official sources and avoid sharing rumours.”
Full list of closures:
All three of Nelson’s libraries are now closed until further notice (Nightingale Library Memorial, Stoke Library and Elma Turner Library)
The following will be closed from tomorrow if they are not already closed:
- Broadgreen House
- Stoke Memorial Hall
- Founders Heritage Park. Windmill to close. Park spaces open, tenant access open, café will make decisions based on Ministry of Health Guidelines
- Greenmeadows Centre. Closed – except café who will make decisions based on Ministry of Health guidelines.
- Melrose House. Closed – except café who will make decisions based on Ministry of Health guidelines.
- Riverside Pool
- Nayland Pools
- Saxton Cricket Oval
- Saxton Oval Pavilion
- Trafalgar Centre
- Trafalgar Park
- Trafalgar Park Pavilion
- Trafalgar Street Hall (previously known as "Old Folks' Hall")
- Wakapuaka Hall