Nelson Marina Masterplan: a modern facility for a coastal city

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A masterplan that will transform Nelson Marina into a modern, world-class facility for both boaties and the community to enjoy is due to be adopted at a Council meeting held on Thursday 22 September.

The masterplan contains a raft of new initiatives for the Marina over a 10 - 15 year time period, including:  

  • A new waterfront promenade for walking and cycling 
  • A revitalised pocket park 
  • New premises for a café and other food and beverage outlets with views of the Marina 
  • A potential location for a new sea sports facility for clubs using non-powered vessels 
  • Substantial improvements to boating infrastructure at the Marina will include:  
  • A dedicated fuel pier  
  • Reconfiguration of the public boat ramp area to reduce congestion 
  • A future-proofed and nationally competitive marina hardstand and new boat hoist 
  • Reconfiguration of marina berths to meet excess demand for larger berth sizes and ensure the existing water space is used optimally 
  • Plans for a future marina extension to meet demand over the next forty years 
  • Long-term plans for a dry stack to provide efficient on-land storage. 

A month-long period of community engagement resulted in more than 200 submissions on the masterplan, with 89% of people in general agreement with the plan.  

Throughout the consultation period, the Nelson Marina team directly engaged with a number of groups that had strong ties with the Marina, including Te Tau Ihu iwi, Nelson Marina Advisory Group (NMAG), Nelson Marina Berthholders Association (NMBHA), Friends of the Haven, Marina contractors, Port Nelson Limited (PNL), Nelson Harbourmaster, the Sea Sports Alliance (SSA), surrounding businesses, Tasman District Council, and berth holders. 

Submissions were also received from a wide variety of Nelson organisations, including Te Whatu Ora Nelson, Bicycle Nelson Bays, the Disabled Peoples Association and Sport Tasman. 

Strategic Development and Property Subcommittee Chair Gaile Noonan says detailed submissions from a wide range of individuals and groups were incredibly useful for the Marina team. 

“There’s a tendency for people to wonder if submissions to Council can make a difference, but I think the final plan here is a great example of Council listening to the feedback it has received and making smart adaptions to its planning. 

“The masterplan has strong community support, and I am really looking forward to seeing our Marina expand into a genuine public asset once the plan is implemented.” 

Support for the plan was widespread, but there were numerous suggestions from all groups as to how individual projects should be implemented. Many of these ideas have been included in the strategy, for instance, the idea of including a playground in the pocket park. Others suggestions will be considered when individual projects within the plan get underway.  

Another change was made to ensure strong partnership with Te Tau Ihu iwi so that any improvements to the Marina uphold the mana of tangata whenua. 

“It’s vitally important to have iwi onboard with our plans, and we want the designs, layout and the allocation of space to be seen as an opportunity to recognise and acknowledge that this is an area of significance to iwi,” says Marina Manager Nigel Skeggs. 

“We’ve altered the plan to ensure that Te Tau Ihu iwi are to be partnered with and that the environmental health of the Haven is preserved.” 

The consultation revealed strong public support for the new Sea Sports facility, but there were some concerns about whether the site itself would provide a safe place for launching boats. 

“We’ve clarified that further studies will be carried out to make sure the proposed facility is fit for purpose and safe for the launching and retrieval of all watercraft and participants in most weather conditions,” says Nigel. “These changes have been reflected in our concept plans and render images.”  

Once the masterplan is adopted, the Marina team intend to start work on initial projects this year. 

At the same Council meeting, elected members will be considering the constitution and incorporation of a Management Council Controlled Organisation (CCO).  The new Management CCO will be tasked with overseeing the governance and operations of Nelson Marina as it sets out on its new journey of investment and development, as per the approved Masterplan. Work will now commence to recruit board members with relevant experience. 

To read the full plan visit: