Nelson Tasman Mayoral relief fund open for donations
19/08/2022 4:12am
Following a government contribution of $200,000 to the Nelson Tasman Mayoral Relief Fund yesterday (Thursday 18 August 2022) the fund is now open to accept donations from the public.
Any person or organisation wishing to donate to the Nelson Tasman Mayoral Relief Fund can deposit funds into the Nelson City Council bank account 03 0703 0325055 00. When making a donation please use the reference “Mayoral Relief Fund”.
Nelson Mayor Rachel Reese says the emergency team working on the response has been overwhelmed by the offers of help by the public, and the Fund offers a straightforward way to channel that support.
“The generosity and caring spirit of Nelson Tasman has been in full display over the last few days and this fund allows us to provide support to people who are unable to access support elsewhere.
“By donating to the fund, we can ensure that people receive the help they really need at this difficult time.”
Tasman Mayor Tim King says the effects of the weather event would be felt well beyond the declared State of Emergency. With a long recovery period predicted, all contributions from the local community and those outside of the region would be greatly appreciated.
“The impact from this natural disaster has been wide-ranging. We’ve seen the obvious damage caused by flooding and landslips so far – however, once the debris is cleared, a number of people will need ongoing support to bring their lives back to normal.”
“I encourage anyone in a position to do so – please donate what you can to the fund.”
The Fund will be open to any resident, ratepayer, business owner, and not-for-profit organisation in Nelson or Tasman regions that have suffered financial hardship as a result of the weather event that began on Tuesday 16 August 2022.
The fund will provide assistance on a one-off basis for extraordinary circumstances where real need can be shown.
Further details about how to apply, including the application form, will be made available shortly, in the meantime, Mayor Reese is asking for everyone to dig deep for what will be a long recovery.
“Nelson’s resilience has been incredible so far, but we are going to have to work together like we never have before to get through this.
“This is a recovery operation that will be a marathon, not a sprint and any help anybody in the region or across the country can give will be incredibly appreciated.”
Any donations will be eligible for a donation tax credit.