Nelson Water restrictions update - Urban restrictions lifted

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The recent rainfall has enabled Nelson City Council (NCC) to lift the water restrictions in all urban areas.

NCC would like to thank all those who complied with the restrictions and helped to manage our water supply during the dry spell.

Water levels in the Maitai Dam have risen to levels where the restrictions are no longer needed. The dam is now approximately 83% full, and the water level is still 2.3 metres below the spillway.

Council reminds all residents that water is a precious commodity and asks everyone to use it wisely. For tips on water conservation for your home or property go to the Council's water conservation webpage.

Other water restrictions:
Rural Areas (not supplied from the water network): 
Despite recent rain, the rivers have still not recovered from the long dry period.
Rural restrictions remain in place which limits rural water use to:

  • Essential domestic use, livestock and firefighting
  • Hand watering of productive home gardens (bucket or watering can) every other day.

Banned activities are:

  • Use of hosepipes
  • outdoor washing i.e. cars or buildings
  • lawn irrigation.

Council will be in touch with individual resource consent holders to discuss water restrictions. 

These rural restrictions will be reviewed following any further rainfall.

Nelson City Council properties on Tasman District Supply:

For the properties near Richmond that are supplied with water from Tasman District Council, their water restrictions have been lifted.