Nelson welcomes delegation of climate change experts from Denmark
19/11/2019 11:57am
Nelson’s Mayor say this week’s delegation of climate change experts from Denmark is a sign our city is leading the charge for change in New Zealand.
A cohort of researchers, industry experts and Government officials has arrived in Nelson for the Denmark Climatorium Delegation Mission.
They will be meeting with council, iwi, business, Government, research, school and community representatives from across the top of the South.
Arranged by Wakatū Incorporated, the visit began this afternoon with a pōwhiri at Whakatū Marae, welcoming the international visitors to the city.
Following a discussion session this afternoon, Nelson’s Mayor, Rachel Reese, will then host a dinner for the delegation at NMIT tonight.
“It’s a real honour to welcome the Danish delegation to our city, giving us the opportunity to share experience and ideas.
“As one of the first councils in New Zealand to declare a climate emergency, we feel privileged to have been given this opportunity to engage with such a forward-thinking and proactive panel,” she said.
The visit also includes a round table discussion on carbon neutral savings, a trip to Marahau to investigate the pressure of large visitor numbers in isolated communities, and a climate schools presentation.
The trip will conclude with meetings at Nelson City Council, the Cawthron, NIWA, Plant and Food and Nelson Artificial Intelligence.
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