Public consultation now open
01/04/2019 2:57am
The Annual Plan 2019/20 Consultation Document is now open for public submission. The consultation includes proposed changes to the future of Council’s community housing portfolio. At the same time, Council is seeking the public’s view on the possible sale of land in Wakatu Square.
Mayor Reese says “Council remains committed to its four priorities of infrastructure, environment, city centre development and lifting Council performance in this year’s Annual Plan. In each of these areas we are actively looking for opportunities to work with partners to deliver more to the community than Council could achieve alone. Two important proposals that involve a partnership approach are community housing and the development of Wakatu Square.
Climate change is another particular focus of this Annual Plan and Council has a number of workstreams that will tackle both mitigation of the effects and adaptation to the changes. I encourage the community to have their say on this critical issue.”
Elected members and staff will be on hand to discuss the consultation issues at Isel twilight market on Thursday 4 April and the Nelson Saturday Market on 13 April. This is an opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.
Submissions can be made online at, or using the submission form at the back of the Consultation Document. You can also pick up a submission form from the Customer Service Centre at the corner of Trafalgar and Halifax Streets, or the public libraries in Nelson, Tahunanui and Stoke. You can also write your own.
Submissions are open until 2 May. Hearings will be held on 14, 15 and 16 May with Council considering feedback on 4 and 6 June. The final plan will be adopted on 27 June 2019, and changes come into effect on 1 July 2019.
An overview of the consultations underway follow:
Annual Plan 2019/20 Consultation Document
The Consultation Document sets out adjustments to the second year of the Long Term Plan (LTP) 2018-28 upon which Council consulted the community last year.
Council remains committed to getting the right balance between projects to meet the ongoing needs of the city and its residents, and the requirement to carefully manage rates and debt levels within the caps set in the LTP.
Community Housing
Council is seeking the community’s views on a proposal to divest some or all of its community housing portfolio to an experienced provider. The aim of the proposal is to bring the existing community housing units up to modern quality standards and to grow the portfolio.
Details of the proposal can be found on pages 28 to 39 of the Consultation Document.
Wakatu Square
Council has received an approach from Cephas Property (Nelson) Limited, an established Nelson-based investor interested in purchasing a section of the eastern end of Wakatu Square and Wakatu Lane for the development of an integrated shopping precinct.
The proposal provides Council with an opportunity to achieve the goal of retaining a key large-format retail activity in the central city and adding to retail options, while still maintaining public car parking. It will connect and activate key retail frontages along Trafalgar and Bridge Streets, properties already owned by Cephas.