Rural Water Restrictions in place
17/03/2020 9:37am
Despite recent rainfall, local river levels continue to drop, and Nelson City Council has confirmed water restrictions for those taking water directly from streams and wells.
Rivers and streams in the area have met the ‘low flow trigger level’ under the Resource Management Act 1991, which signals the need for water restrictions to be introduced.
Affected residents are required to stop using water for non-essential purposes from the following rivers and streams and their tributaries:
- Wakapuaka River
- Teal River
- Lud River
- Todd Valley Stream
- Poorman Valley Stream
- Hillwood Stream
- Maori Pa Stream
- Waihi Creek
The restrictions only affect those Nelson residents who take their water directly from the above rivers and streams and their adjoining wells.
Water may only be used for essential purposes including firefighting, drinking, watering stock and domestic washing. Water may not be used for crop irrigation, garden watering, washing cars, houses, or driveways.
Council asks for full co-operation from residents in the hope that further restrictions affecting supply won’t be needed. Unless there is significant rain, Council may need to extend restrictions to other catchments and further restrict water takes in the worst affected areas. Affected residents and water consent/permit holders will be advised of the restrictions.
Council will continue to monitor river flows until we receive significant or sustained rainfall, and updates will be posted on Council’s Facebook page and website
Council recommends those people drawing water from affected catchments arrange an alternative source of water in case of further restrictions.
In the longer term, Council encourages residents to consider other options including rainwater storage tanks.
It is important to note that the restrictions do not apply to those on the Council reticulated supply. However, all residents are encouraged to use water wisely.
For more information on water conservation visit