Mayor expresses concern around the closure of Stoke Kiwibank branch
15/11/2018 10:24am
Mayor Rachel Reese has expressed her sincere concern regarding the announcement to close the Kiwibank and NZ Post branch in Stoke.
Stoke is Nelson’s fastest growing suburb, which, over the next 30 years, is projected to be home to three quarters of Nelson’s population growth and half its new housing.
Mayor Reese says Kiwibank needs to seriously consider the impact on the community.
“This move is incredibly detrimental for the people of Stoke, and it is highly concerning that there has been a clear failure to engage with Council and the Community over this decision.”
“This approach contradicts Kiwibank’s message around community focus, about ‘doing what’s right for New Zealand’. On one hand, they continue to support and promote local heroes, but with this move, they are alienating their loyal customers, many of whom are unable to travel to the other stores in our region for their banking and postage services.”
Mayor Reese supports Greypower’s initiative to further discuss this closure directly with Kiwibank, and hopes they will reconsider their position.
“I look forward to having constructive discussions with Kiwibank representatives and support Greypower in their approach to get them to understand the needs of our community. It is critical these decisions are made through engaging the entire community, and we hope Kiwibank reconsider their approach to this branch closure.”