Additional funds for Elma Turner Library granted

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​The full reopening of Elma Turner Library is on track to take place in February 2024 after elected members unanimously approved an additional $940,000 to complete the library's seismic strengthening work.

Elma Turner Library was closed in June 2022 after it was discovered heavy ceiling tiles throughout the building posed an earthquake risk and the ceiling grid itself was in some parts of the building under 34% NBS (New Building Standard), meaning the building was earthquake prone. 

As work on the ceiling tiles progressed, buckling and splits in four trusses was found in the building built as an extension in 1985, likely caused by a combination of structural changes to the building and “loading events”, caused by earthquakes, strong winds and heavy rain. 

The additional damage has pushed out the full reopening of the library by seven months. Once all the work is complete, the library will meet 67% NBS for the ceilings, and 34% NBS for the structure, giving the building a further 5 to 10 years of life. 

Although work continues in the South side of the building, a partial reopening, including the main entrance and another large section of library floorspace, will take place on 26 July. This will mean that 70% of the total public area of the library will be returned to public use and represents a doubling of the area currently available to the public.