Awatea Place Pump Station – an update

24/11/2021 10:39am

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Work continues on the new Awatea Place Pump Station in Tahunanui.

Construction of the new pump station started in August 2021 and has so far seen the completion of a 3.8m deep 900mm diameter steel sleeve at the Parkers Road/Awatea Place intersection. 

This steel sleeve will house the trunk sewer pipe that will connect the wastewater network to the new pump station.

A temporary access road and carpark has also been completed for Awatea Place residents, as well as a temporary pumping main pipe installed for use while the new pump station is being constructed.

Nelson City Council’s contractor is currently installing 12-metre deep sheet piles (steel beams), which connect together and prevent an area from collapsing when digging occurs. 

When these sheet piles are complete, then the excavation for the underground pump station can begin.

Once finished, this pump station will receive wastewater from the whole of the Tahunanui area and will then pump it out to the Airport Regional Pump Station. 

From there it will go to the Bells Island Treatment Plant.

The new pump station will feature two large storage tanks for maintenance and overflow management as well as an odour control system. 

On completion, landscape planting will be introduced around the perimeter of the site to help it blend into its surrounds.

Upgrading our old pump stations will help to prevent future sewer overflows, cater for future development in the area as well as minimising the impact of wet weather events.

This project, which is expected to be completed in 2022, was brought forward thanks to funding received from Central Government under the Three Waters Reform Programme.

 To find out more about the project go to