Prolonged wet weather has proved challenging at the Awatea Place Wastewater Pump Station project.

Alongside delays to pipe delivery caused by the global supply line crisis, this means the project’s end date is now extended to December 2022.

If weather conditions allow, pipe laying in Awatea Place is expected to be completed early August 2022, with trenching then moving into Parkers Road. The pipe from Awatea Place will be extended through to Golf Road during the months of August and September.

The final pipe connections and commissioning are planned to occur in November. The last bits of reinstatement, landscaping and road works will follow commissioning in December 2022.

Traffic management will remain in place during this time period, and further delays can be expected on Parkers Road.

When this work is completed it will provide a major upgrade to the sewer network, reducing the chance of sewer overflows from occurring.