Bridge over muddy water to reduce sediment in Mahitahi/Maitai River

23/02/2021 3:03am

The construction of a new bridge on the south branch of the Maitai/Mahitahi River will improve the health of the river, and make the river crossing safer and easier for users.

The bridge replaces an existing ford, which is used by 4WD vehicles accessing the upper Maitai catchment above the Maitai Dam.

Forestry Management company PF Olsen is constructing the bridge so that 4WD vehicles accessing the upper Maitai Valley can cross the river without disturbing the stream bed and releasing sediment downstream. The bridge will be used to service forest harvesting operations and by recreational concession holders.

Work to build the bridge started during the week of 22 February and is expected to take 6-8 weeks to complete.   
Impacts on people using the ford or those walking or biking the Dun Mountain Trail during the building period will be minimal.

Contractors will have a traffic management plan in place for vehicles using the existing ford crossing during construction, allowing them to cross with relatively short notice except for times where high-risk construction work, such as lifting the bridge decks into place, is underway.
During these times, closures of around 2 - 4 hrs at a time should be expected to ensure public safety, and regular users will be kept informed about these times.

Walkers and bikers using the Dun Mountain Trail will be directed through a fenced-off laneway that will take them safely past the worksite. Signage will also be in place with contact details for the contractors involved.