Make the most of your valuable woodpile and operate your woodburner efficiently by following some simple tips.

  1. Get dry wood in early and store it well. Split your wood – smaller pieces dry faster. Stack firewood loosely enough so that air can circulate around it. Firewood needs to have less than 25% moisture content to burn efficiently.
  2. Have your flue cleaned by a professional chimney sweep before winter. Tip: book your flue cleaning AND check your house insurance policy at the same time – your policy may have a recommended flue cleaning frequency.
  3. When lighting your woodburner use plenty of newspaper and kindling to get the fire going; don’t overfill the firebox with logs – add less wood more frequently and keep a good blaze going.
  4. Pop outside to check for smoke after the fire’s been going for 15 minutes – if it’s still smoking you are wasting valuable fuel. The aim is to burn smoke free. For more handy tips and info go to