Celebrating Whakatū Nelson's tamariki
10/03/2021 11:33am
Nelson City Council’s Tē Rā o Ngā Tamariki Children's Day events will be celebrated on Sunday 14 March, having been postponed from 7 March due to COVID Alert Level 2.
Entry to Nayland and Riverside Pools will be reduced to $1 per child all day for children and youths aged 16 or under.
The Aquarun inflatable will be available at Riverside from 2pm-3.30pm and a leisure play session will take place between 12pm-4.30pm. Children aged eight and under must be supervised by a caregiver aged 16 years or over at both pools.
Children and youths aged 16 or under can ride the railcar for free at Founders Heritage Park between 10.30am-12.30pm.
There will also be a train-themed children’s treasure hunt.
An array of activities – stories and games, puzzles, bubbles and even a touch of magic - will be on offer at Elma Turner Library on Halifax Street.
All activities are free and there will be something for children of all ages.