Upgrades to the ​Collingwood/Halifax/Bridge watermain and the Stormwater Floodgate in Saltwater Creek are due to begin in the next few months.

Collingwood/Halifax/Bridge watermain upgrades (early - mid-March)

The upgrade of these watermains will provide a direct benefit to the CBD and wider network by supplying larger volumes of water than is currently possible. The watermain is responsible for water that we drink, clean with and bathe in. As with the larger Bridge to Better project, the upgrade of this watermain will allow for future growth in the inner city and surrounding areas. By upgrading the watermains it will also provide alternative routes for supplying water through newer, larger mains if existing ones are damaged. Larger flows will also help immediately with fire resilience with building sprinkler supplies.

Stormwater Floodgate Saltwater Creek (April 2025)

The floodgate is an integral part of the upgrade of the stormwater network. Connecting to a culvert, the floodgate helps to control the flow of water during a weather event. In flat areas like Nelson City, when a stormwater network is either coastal or connects to a river that can change heights due to flooding (eg. the Maitai River), a floodgate is installed on the end of the system to help high tides and salt water/ flood water from going back into the culvert and through the stormwater network.