It has been fantastic to see community members who have braved the wet weather and participated in our series of climate change adaptation workshops over the past month. We’ve heard from many of you about how important it is to be able to access beaches and the sea for recreation, and that you care about protecting native species and wāhi tapu (sacred places).

We’ve also heard that it is important you live in a safe and secure property, with access to critical infrastructure.

If you haven’t yet tuned in to a Nelson Climate Adaptation webinar or partipated in a workshop – it’s not too late to have your say. 

We want to hear what you value most about living near the coast and Maitai River, and what you see as being important to achieve through our response to climate change. 

To inform planning, we also want to hear your thoughts on the range of possible adaptation options available to us. For example, protecting our coast and rivers through dune restoration and planting, or enabling the gradual retreat of people and property to safer ground.

To help inform the conversation, Council has put together up-to-date information and visual tools that show the projected impacts of climate change for Whakatū Nelson, including the latest 3D maps.

The final webinar of the series will be held on Thursday 28 July (6-7pm), and the online feedback form is open until 14 August. 

You can access the interactive tools, sign up to the last webinar, and fill in the feedback form at Shape Nelson.

Thank you for getting involved!

- Maggie Fellowes, Climate Change Advisor, Nelson City Council