Councillor rides into new role as Atawhai liaison

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Cycling alongside busy State Highway 6 with about 40 school children, on a tandem bike with Nelson Mayor Nick Smith, was Councillor James Hodgson’s first act as the new Atawhai Liaison Councillor.

“I didn’t always feel safe on the bike,” laughs Councillor Hodgson. “However, the Mayor did a very good job navigating around all the kids and bikes.” 

The pair were joined by Councillor Rachel Sanson on the ride with Clifton Terrace School pupils last week as part of Nelson City Council’s Travel Champions school travel challenge.  

Catching a ride with the school’s “bike bus" was a perfect way for Councillor Hodgson to experience some of the challenges faced by those living and working in the Atawhai area. 

The bike bus, organised by Emily Osborne, from Parents for Active Transport - Atawhai, usually gets about 15 pupils taking part every morning, while more children cycle the same route independently.  

“The trek between Corder Park and Clifton Terrace School is quite challenging,” Emily says. “The side roads are narrow, the cars are close and quick on the State Highway, visibility is minimised; it’s not a safe area.” 

Mayor Nick introduced liaison councillors after being elected in 2022 to ensure better connections between Council’s governance arm and the communities they serve. Councillor Hodgson joins Councillors Campbell Rollo (Tāhunanui) and Aaron Stallard (Nelson North) as a Liaison Councillor following feedback from Atawhai residents, who felt they too could benefit from having a councillor appointed to their area. 

“I want to acknowledge that I don’t live in Atawhai, but there is a responsibility we hold as Council for them to have representation,” Councillor Hodgson says.  

“Each community, including Atawhai, has its own distinct issues, needs and wants. This is an opportunity for me to get to know what they are and see where I can advocate for change.” 

What is at the top of his list? “The issue around State Highway 6 and cycling infrastructure is a clear need. It’s also been pointed out to me that the coffee cart has become a gathering point for the community, something they would like to expand on. How can we create more of a social hub in Atawhai?”  

Councillor Hodgson will be holding two drop in sessions a month for the Atawhai community. The last Monday of each month, 9:30-11 at Valley Coffee (the cart by Four Square on Atawhai Crescent). You can also meet with him on the second Wednesday of each month 10-11:30 at the Founders Cafe. 

Atawhai residents can also contact Councillor Hodgson via phone, email or through his Facebook page. Councillor Hodgson’s phone number is 022 064 8433 and his email address is It is not an exclusive role and residents can contact any elected member. Find their contact details on the website.