Enjoy Nelson's Eureka Park as part of Parks Week 2021

09/03/2021 1:07am

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With an abundance of mountain biking trails in Nelson, Eureka Park is reopening to cater for those who prefer to move at a slower pace, why not go exploring it as part of Parks Week 2021?

Now pedestrian only, it’s a great place to go for a run or walk with the dog, or even celebrate a kid’s birthday party.

Located at the top of the Brook Valley, the park now boasts some new walking trails, signage and furniture. 

A large picnic table has been installed using locally felled eucalypt logs for seats, making for a perfect place to rest among the tall redwoods and regenerating natives.

Parks play an important role in creating liveable cities that add to our wellbeing.

This week, 6-14 March, is Parks Week, so, why not take some time to explore the new developments at Eureka Park? You can share your parks experience with us on social media by participating in our Parks Week Photo Competition.

Please note, while dogs are welcome at Eureka Park, they are not allowed at the adjoining Brook Conservation Reserve.