Environmental Alliance launches win for conservation

01/07/2019 2:08am
Mayor Rachel Reese signs the strategy
Mayor Rachel Reese signs the strategy

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The Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Alliance and Strategy was launched at a dawn ceremony in Nelson on Friday 28 June, noting that Matariki marks a new season and a good time to launch a new collaborative approach to conservation.

The Alliance brings together Top of the South Councils, iwi and the Department of Conservation(DOC) to work together towards restoring natural landscapes.

Nelson City Council joins Buller, Tasman, Marlborough and Kaikōura Councils, the West Coast Regional Council, a number of iwi and DOC as members of Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Alliance.

Nelson Mayor Rachel Reese said the Alliance will offer great gains for environmental health.

“A sustainable, healthy environment is key to Nelson’s vision for The Smart Little City – a City that is connected to, and caring for, its wildlife and native habitats. Through the Alliance we’ll be able to work on a much wider scale towards our shared outcomes. I can see great gains for our biodiversity and for the future of our environment.”

You can download a copy of the strategy here.