The New Year sales can be a great time to buy a new fridge, but make sure that your old fridge is disposed of properly.

Older fridges are likely to be powered by one of the manmade greenhouse gasses such as CFCs or HFCs, which contribute to climate change.

Take your unwanted fridge to the Transfer Station on Pascoe Street, (minimum drop off fee applies) where any refrigeration gases will be removed and disposed of safely so they don’t pollute the atmosphere.

If you’ve got a good older fridge and you want to keep it going, here are some useful tips to keep down energy costs and make sure it’s working efficiently:

  • Keep dust off the coils at the back of the fridge
  • Make sure the door seals (gaskets) are clean and working well – test this by putting a torch in your fridge and turn the lights off in the kitchen. Replace them if they’re not performing well.
  • Keep your fridge away from other appliances so it won’t be made to work harder because of the heat they generate. Positioning it out of the sun can also help.