Grants available for free home insulation

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Nelson Tasman residents may be eligible to have underfloor and ceiling insulation installed for cheap or free thanks to grants from the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) and Warmer Healthier Homes Te Tauihu Charitable Trust.

EECA’s Warmer Kiwi Homes Grant covers up to 80% of the cost of installing insulation, and thanks to additional funding from Warmer Healthier Homes Te Tauihu Charitable Trust, homeowners in Nelson Tasman could even have up to 100% of the costs covered.

To qualify, you must be the owner-occupier of a home in Nelson Tasman that was built before 2008 and has no or partial insulation. 

You must also live in an area identified as low income or have a Community Services Card. 

Insulating your home can help keep it warm, dry, and free of mould. It can also help cut down on energy use and costs, which is good for your wallet and addressing climate change.

To see if you qualify for the grant, please contact Absolute Energy, the local insulation installer selected by Te Tauihu Charitable Trust at 0800 423 454 or, or watch this video for more information.