Have your say on freshwater management

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Nelson City Council is developing material to replace the freshwater content of the Nelson Resource Management Plan in response to the government’s new Essential Freshwater regulations and we want your feedback.

The regulations are aimed at restoring and protecting the health of waterways in New Zealand.

Some big decisions about the future of freshwater in the region are called for and we are asking for
people’s thoughts to help shape future plans.

Five freshwater management units (FMUs) are being proposed for Nelson – Whangamoa, Wakapuaka, Maitai, Roding and Stoke.

Within each FMU, Council must set time-specific freshwater goals aligned with community and tangata whenua aspirations to help achieve better environmental outcomes, while we plan and prepare for the future.

Go to the Nelson Freshwater Hub page on Shape Nelson for more information and to have your say on what’s important to you. You can give your feedback on the draft FMU values and the long-term visions for freshwater in Nelson Whakatū.

Your feedback is vital to ensure that the way freshwater is managed reflects what is important to people in the area. Feedback can be provided until 25 August 2023.