Nelson City Council invites holiday accommodation providers in the residential zone to check their activity meets planning and building requirements. This ensures both the safety of the occupants and minimises impact on neighbours.

Planning rules under the Nelson Resource Management Plan (NRMP) allow for homeowners to offer accommodation as short-term rental without resource consent provided that owners:

  • live at the property for at least one month of the year and refer to the property as their home address, and
  • the property has capacity to accommodate only four travellers at any one time.

However, resource and building consents may be required if the rental facilities are self-contained or the above permitted standards are not met.

Quick guide – do you need resource consent to provide holiday accommodation?


What happens if holiday accommodation providers don’t get consent?

If you provide holiday accommodation without a current resource consent (or building consent if applicable), and do not meet the consent exemption requirements, Council will follow up and work through next steps with you.
Visit our website for more information.

To get help on whether your holiday accommodation requires consent and how to apply, please phone 03 546 0200 to make an appointment with either the duty planner or duty building officer.