How to find out more about the Draft Whakamahere Whakatū Nelson Plan

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If you’re wondering what the Draft Whakamahere Whakatū Nelson Plan is all about, there is no need to download and read the whole plan.

We’ve got a series of key information sheets and FAQs on our website that give you a simple outline of the key topics and answer many of the questions you may have, including how the proposals in the Draft Plan differ from the current Nelson Resource Management Plan. 

 The Draft Nelson Plan is open for this first phase of feedback until 6 December. Once notified in 2022, the Nelson Plan will help us manage our built and natural environment. It will outline climate change provisions for adaptation and mitigation. It will help us manage residential growth and intensification, housing supply, parking, biodiversity, freshwater, coastal and marine environments and natural hazards. It will guide what you can do on your property and outline whether resource consent is required.

If you are interested in any of these topics go to for the FAQ and Key Information sheets on specific chapters. They have been produced to help you understand the Plan and how it will affect you. You can find out how to give your feedback on the Draft Plan at