Are you familiar with Antenno? It’s an app that allows you to stay up-to-date with important Nelson City Council information—road closures, recycling dates, holiday hours and calls for submissions on Council projects.

The app also allows you to report issues that need addressing, share your ideas with Council, and give feedback on Council services.

You can download Antenno for free from your mobile app store.

For those new to the app, we’ve provided a guide below on how to report issues or ideas to Council.

1. Click 'Report it' in the bottom right corner of the app.

2. From the 'Your reports' menu, click the 'plus' sign in the top right corner.

01 Main menu + 02 Report an issue or idea


3. Click in the 'Report type' field to select a category.

03 Report Type click here2


4. Choose a category. Click on the relevant category to report an issue or select 'Feedback & Ideas' to share your thoughts.

04 Choose a category


5. Once your 'Report type' is selected, click 'Next'.

05 Confirm category hit next6. Add a photo. This is optional, but it helps us address the issue. You will need to grant the app access to your camera when prompted.

Once you've added a photo, or if no photo is needed, click 'Next'.

06 add a photo or click next7. Enter the location of the issue you are reporting. You may need to allow the app access to your location. Either type the address into the 'Enter an address' field or drop a pin on the map.

07 location enter address or drop pin on map
8. Describe your issue or share your feedback, then scroll down to add your contact information.
08 add description and contact details


9. Click ‘Next’ to review your report.
09 Click next to review report


10. Scroll down to review your report is correct then click ‘Send’.

10 Review report


11. Your report has been sent. You can monitor its status from the ‘Report It’ menu in the app.

11 Report sent