Whether tramping in the Grampians or having a barbecue with mates at Tahunanui, Nelson’s reserves are beautiful places to connect with nature and friends.

But our reserves are not only enjoyed by humans. 

Many are important habitats for native birds and trees, a major part of what makes our reserves so special.

This is why changes to reserves are always managed in a way that prioritises their ecological importance. 

Illegal tracks can threaten the existence of wildlife and plantlife that depend on reserves for their survival.

Group Manager Community Services Andrew White says Council wants to ensure tracks have a low impact on the environment.

“Any new track must first pass an environmental assessment. This part of the process ensures important landscapes and natural areas are protected.”

Illegal tracks pose a threat to the environment and track users. They can damage native trees, disturb habitats for wildlife and make slopes unstable.

An unauthorised trail in the Maitai Valley recently resulted in an individual being trespassed from the reserve.