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A recently installed cattle stop, at the southern end of Almond Tree Flat, has caused contention within Nelson’s bovine community and limited their ability to roam freely.

Nelson City Council Group Manager Livestock John Smith says the new cattle stop is designed to make the track easier for walkers and bikers.

“We had to replace a faulty gate and the use of a cattle stop made the most sense for human track users.”

A spokescow for the bovine community disagreed.

“It is a nightmare, they just came in and installed this thing. We now cannot access the golf course at all.”

The Waahi Taakaro Golf Course is beautiful, especially during the Summer months.

“We had regular outings planned, the wide-open spaces are perfect for cow pats, the native trees make a refreshing snack and best of all, no dogs!”

Many of the cows spoken to believed the cattle stop was installed deliberately to keep them off the course and were appealing to have access reinstated.